she got up in the shadows
standing smoking
a naked silhouette
with an ember for
an eye
blinking cyclopean fury—
I, drenched in her
lay over the edge
of the bed
watching her upside
trying to say what I
may later write
but can’t seem to get
tongue to tip and tap palate
forming only sounds
I nod and watch tumbling
end over end
smelling of god's sweat and cigarettes
wishing I didn’t have eyelids
so I couldn’t blink
and even miss a second of this fall.
by Juventino Manzano

Juventino Manzano has returned to the states after a three and a half year haitus. He completed his Masters degree while working fulltime as an ESL Teacher's Aide at a middle school, and now works as on online intructor for University of Phoenix. When not busy trying to be creative and academic, he plays with his four-year old son and reads as much as time allows.
He has been published in various magazines including Celebrate the Self, Hustler Fantasies, EIDOS, Proper Gander, Bourgeoizine, Last Stop at Union Station, Armageddon Buffet, and Post Amerikan.
He has been published in various magazines including Celebrate the Self, Hustler Fantasies, EIDOS, Proper Gander, Bourgeoizine, Last Stop at Union Station, Armageddon Buffet, and Post Amerikan.
Check out Manzano's blog: Epiphany Point
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