With feverish longing
I roll your sensuous
Slender frame
between my fingers.
My mind fogged with
dusky marijuana dreams.
Translucent, veiled thoughts
wrap me in a smoky warmth
I watch the ethereal circle of light
Rings of smoke, their perfect seam
tinged blue, rise flawlessly
and lazily mingle into
the misty night air.
Blue vapors of memory
floating like a song
stir my aching soul.
I make vaporous toys,
creatures of imagination
and watch them rise,
take a shape and break.
like misty waves in the ocean.
Purple threads of maroon
fill my senses
I’m comfortably numb.

Tikuli Dogra lives in Delhi. A mother, a poet, a tale teller, a blogger, writing is her passion. She lets her imagination run wild. Completely in love with nature and self, she weaves her dreams into her writings.
Vist the author online at Associated Content. She blogs at tikulicious.wordpress.com; her blog is titled Spinning a Yarn Of Life.
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